Thursday, May 20, 2010


Today I'm playing around more on lightroom and figuring out how to format pictures on my Mac. These are a few shots I took last night with some friends that I edited today. Some of the features on Lightroom include: basic color. On the photo of Nora (girl in sunglasses) I liked adding more yellows and greens to add that summery/antique-ish look. Then there is a "recovery" tool that adds a tad more shadows to pictures that were perhaps over exposed. My favorite tool in the tone department is the adding to the blacks. Especially in black and whites, the blacks tool is extremely useful. Then there is vibrance, clarity, and saturation. These tone the overall color of the photo. I've delt with saturation before on programs such as Picasa and iPhoto but Vibrance is a really cool tool on Lightroom that picks out bright colors and keeps their saturation while draining others. Finally, the Vignette was definitely a personal favorite. Unlike iPhoto where the "matte" or "vignette" are super defined and give the photo a surreal border, this vignette tool can be extremely subtle and really just focus the subject better. For an example, I really like the Vignette look on the last photo of the volley ball net. Here are a few samples from today:

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